When you plan a Personal Loan, remember your term of loan repayment will be inversely proportional to the EMI amount. When you plan a long tenure, the Personal Loan EMI Calculator distributes the total loan amount over the planned span of time, which reduces the EMI amount payable, yet the interest rate will be higher on the outstanding debt for an extended duration causing the cost-of-loan to increase.
The reverse applies when you plan a short tenure loan. Weigh your plan according to your budget, and execute accordingly. You could in the process of planning a personal loan, consider taking a loan from your existing bank, negotiate a lower rate of interest, opt for a higher down payment if possible, or even consider prepaying a loan with the help a Personal Loan Prepayment Calculator, or Personal Loan Foreclosure Calculator.
Your Ruloans Personal Loan Calculator, will assist you to calculate EMIs for varied tenures, at varied interest rates to select the best plan to suit your repayment capacities.